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Dokumentu hau honela klasifikatu da: Stanford University Library > Indeterminado > Indeterminada
Artxiboa / Liburutegia Stanford University Library
Funtsa / Azpifuntsa / Bilduma Indeterminado
Seriea Indeterminada

Datak 1820
Izenburua Journal of an officer in the Commissariat Department of the Army : comprising a narrative of the campaigns under his grace the Duke of Wellington, in Portugal, Spain, France, and the Netherlands, in the years 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814 & 1815 : and a short account of the Army of occupation in France, during the years 1816, 1817 & 1818
Bolumena / datu fisikoak Libro

Iturria --

Tokiak San Marcial
Pertsonak Edgecombe Daniel, John
Materiak Batalla de Vitoria (1813)
Biografías, memorias y relatos personales
Campaña de los Pirineos