Izenburua |
11 dokumentua lotua.
A new map of Spain and Portugal exhibiting the chains of mountains with their passes the principal & cross roads with other details requisite for the intelligence of military operations |
Campagnes dEspagne et de Portugal sous lEmpire |
Characteristics of the Duke of Wellington, apart from his military talents by the Earl Grey, K.G. |
Correspondence of Lady Burghersh with the Duke of Wellington |
Correspondencia secreta de la Familia Real de España con el emperador Napoleon y principe Murat, desde los movimientos de Aranjuez en marzo de 1808 hasta los sucesos de Bayona |
Death of the Duke of Wellington |
Memoiren aus dem spanischen Freiheitskampfe 1808 - 1811 : Ludwig von Grolmann, Albert Jean Michel Rocca, Moyle Sherer, Heinrich von Brandt, Henri Ducor, Don Juan Andrés Nieto Samaniego |
Memoires sur la guerre d´Espagne, pendant les années 1808, 1809, 1810 et 1811 |
Reglamento para el ejercicio de maniobras de la infantería |
The words of Wellington : collected from his dispatches letters and speeches with anecdotes etc. |
Wellington |