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Izenburua Brown University Library
24 dokumentua lotua.
Battle of the Pyrenees
Battle of the Pyrenées, July 28th 1813
Bridge of Nodin; where the French are represented throwing the last of their cannon into the river Dave
Coll. Freemantle, Aid de Camp to the Duke of Wellington and bearer of the dispatches of the victories of Vittoria and Orthes
Correspondance du Comte de la Forest, ambassadeur de France en Espagne 1808-1813. 7 v.
Der siebenjährige Kampf auf der Pyrenìschen Halbinsel von Jahre 1807-bis 1814 : besonders meine eigenen Erfahrungen in diesem Kriege nebst Bemerkungen über das Spanische Volk und Land. 3 v.
Explanation of the view of the splendid victory gained by the Marquis of Wellington over the French army… on the plains of Vitoria
Field Marshall Wellington´s glorious battle of Vitoria; June 21 1813
Geschichte der königlich deutschen Legion. 2 v.
Josephs flight
King Richard burlesqued of King Joeys flight from the Battle of Vittoria
Memoirs of Buonaparte, his imperial family, great officers of dtate, & great military officers. An improved (being the 20th) edition
Memoirs of the late war : comprising the personal narrative of Captain Cooke, of the 43rd Regiment Light Infantry; the history of the campaign of 1809 in Portugal, by earl of Munster; and a narrative of the campaign in Holland, by Lieut. T. W. D. Moodie, H.P. 21st Fusileers. 2 v.
Peninsular cavalry general. 1811-13 : the correspondence of Lieutenant-General Robert Ballard Long
Retreat of Napoleon from Leipzig, 1813
Storming of the town & castle of St. Sebastain in Spain, Sepr. 1813
The battle of the Pyrenées, July 28th 1813
The battle of Vittoria
The Battle of Vittoria, 1813
The storming of St. Sebastian, Augt. 31st 1813
The storming of St. Sebastian; by the British, Spanish, and Portuguese troops, on the 31st of August 1813
The war in the Peninsula : a continuation of the recollections of the eventful life of a soldier
Victory of Victoria
View of Bayonne, taken from the Sand Hill on the left of the Adour, when occupied by the British forces on the 12 of March, 1814