Izenburua |
24 dokumentua lotua.
Battle of the Pyrenees |
Battle of the Pyrenées, July 28th 1813 |
Bridge of Nodin; where the French are represented throwing the last of their cannon into the river Dave |
Coll. Freemantle, Aid de Camp to the Duke of Wellington and bearer of the dispatches of the victories of Vittoria and Orthes |
Correspondance du Comte de la Forest, ambassadeur de France en Espagne 1808-1813. 7 v. |
Der siebenjährige Kampf auf der Pyrenìschen Halbinsel von Jahre 1807-bis 1814 : besonders meine eigenen Erfahrungen in diesem Kriege nebst Bemerkungen über das Spanische Volk und Land. 3 v. |
Explanation of the view of the splendid victory gained by the Marquis of Wellington over the French army… on the plains of Vitoria |
Field Marshall Wellington´s glorious battle of Vitoria; June 21 1813 |
Geschichte der königlich deutschen Legion. 2 v. |
Josephs flight |
King Richard burlesqued of King Joeys flight from the Battle of Vittoria |
Memoirs of Buonaparte, his imperial family, great officers of dtate, & great military officers. An improved (being the 20th) edition |
Memoirs of the late war : comprising the personal narrative of Captain Cooke, of the 43rd Regiment Light Infantry; the history of the campaign of 1809 in Portugal, by earl of Munster; and a narrative of the campaign in Holland, by Lieut. T. W. D. Moodie, H.P. 21st Fusileers. 2 v. |
Peninsular cavalry general. 1811-13 : the correspondence of Lieutenant-General Robert Ballard Long |
Retreat of Napoleon from Leipzig, 1813 |
Storming of the town & castle of St. Sebastain in Spain, Sepr. 1813 |
The battle of the Pyrenées, July 28th 1813 |
The battle of Vittoria |
The Battle of Vittoria, 1813 |
The storming of St. Sebastian, Augt. 31st 1813 |
The storming of St. Sebastian; by the British, Spanish, and Portuguese troops, on the 31st of August 1813 |
The war in the Peninsula : a continuation of the recollections of the eventful life of a soldier |
Victory of Victoria |
View of Bayonne, taken from the Sand Hill on the left of the Adour, when occupied by the British forces on the 12 of March, 1814 |