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Hasiera > Fitxa materias > Mapas, planos y dibujos
Izenburua Mapas, planos y dibujos
42 dokumentua lotua.
A brief history of the King´s Royal Rifle Corps, 1755 to 1915 : compiled and edited by Lieutenant-General Sir Edward Hutton, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., p.s.c., Chairman of the History Committee
A new map of Spain and Portugal exhibiting the chains of mountains with their passes the principal & cross roads with other details requisite for the intelligence of military operations
A scene after the Battle of Vittoria or More trophies for White-Hall
Bandos y edictos de guerras.
Battle of the Pyrenees
Battle of the Pyrenées, July 28th 1813
Battle of Vittoria
Boney receiving an account of the Battle of Vittoria - or the Little Emperor in a great passion
Chartre von den Königreichen Spanien und Portugal
Drawing of the Battle of Vitoria Aftermath
Expediente relativo a la reedificación de San Sebastián tras la Guerra de la Independencia, solicitando dicha ciudad un medio por ciento de lo que produjesen las aduanas del reino, para lo cual el Consejo a propuesta de los fiscales, manda al Corregidor de Guipúzcoa que, con audiencia instructiva de la diputación de Guipúzcoa, del Ayuntamiento y Junta de Obras se realicen planos con demarcación de calles y plazas, entre otras cosas.
How England saved Europe : the story of the Great War (1793-1815). 4 v.
Joseph Bonaparte´s flight from the Battle of Vittoria
Josephs flight
Jourdan and King Joe or off they go- a peep at the French commanders at the Battle of Vittoria
King Richard burlesqued of King Joeys flight from the Battle of Vittoria
Les Châteaux en Espagne
Mad Nap breaking the armistice from the Original Picture at Dresden
Map of Spain and Portugal including the places rendered celebrated by battles & sieges
Memoirs of Buonaparte, his imperial family, great officers of dtate, & great military officers. An improved (being the 20th) edition
New military map of Spain & Portugal, compiled from the nautical surveys of Don Vicent Tofiño, the new provincial maps of Don Thomas Lopez the large map of the Pyrenees by Roussell, and various original documents
Plan of operations in the western Pyrenees mountains
Plano de la capilla bautismal de la parroquia de San Vicente e importe de las obras.
Pleito de competencias de jurisdicción entre el Concejo de la la villa de Sestao y el Concejo de la villa de Portugalete por el conocimiento de las causas en la aprehensión de dos buques franceses que portaban dinero, en el surgidero de San Nicolás del Desierto.
Retreat of Napoleon from Leipzig, 1813
Se agradece al Arquitecto de la Provincia la elaboración de un plano de la Batalla de Vitoria, y se acuerda publicarlo a cargo de los fondos públicos en cuanto sea posible
Sketches of military costume in Spain and Portugal : intended as a suplement to the […] sketches of country, costume, and character, in Portugal and Spain
Spain & Portugal : with the March of the British Columns
Storming of the town & castle of St. Sebastain in Spain, Sepr. 1813
The battle of the Pyrenées, July 28th 1813
The battle of Victoria.
The Battle of Vittoria
The battle of Vittoria
The Battle of Vittoria, 1813
The History of the present war in Spain and Portugal, from its commencement to the Battle of Vittoria : illustrated with Anecdotes, Civil, Military, and Political, and a geographical View of those Kingdoms : To which will be added, Memoirs of the life of Lord Wellington, and Biographical Sketches of the most eminent Comanders who have distinguished themselves during the War in the Peninsula
The Spanish bull fight or the corsican matador in danger
The storming of St. Sebastian, Augt. 31st 1813
The storming of St. Sebastian; by the British, Spanish, and Portuguese troops, on the 31st of August 1813
Vauxhall fete
View of Bayonne, taken from the Sand Hill on the left of the Adour, when occupied by the British forces on the 12 of March, 1814
Wellington and glory, or the victory of Vittoria-he came, he saw, he conquer´d
Wellington´s operations in the Peninsula. 2 vols.