Izenburua |
42 dokumentua lotua.
A brief history of the King´s Royal Rifle Corps, 1755 to 1915 : compiled and edited by Lieutenant-General Sir Edward Hutton, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., p.s.c., Chairman of the History Committee |
A new map of Spain and Portugal exhibiting the chains of mountains with their passes the principal & cross roads with other details requisite for the intelligence of military operations |
A scene after the Battle of Vittoria or More trophies for White-Hall |
Bandos y edictos de guerras. |
Battle of the Pyrenees |
Battle of the Pyrenées, July 28th 1813 |
Battle of Vittoria |
Boney receiving an account of the Battle of Vittoria - or the Little Emperor in a great passion |
Chartre von den Königreichen Spanien und Portugal |
Drawing of the Battle of Vitoria Aftermath |
Expediente relativo a la reedificación de San Sebastián tras la Guerra de la Independencia, solicitando dicha ciudad un medio por ciento de lo que produjesen las aduanas del reino, para lo cual el Consejo a propuesta de los fiscales, manda al Corregidor de Guipúzcoa que, con audiencia instructiva de la diputación de Guipúzcoa, del Ayuntamiento y Junta de Obras se realicen planos con demarcación de calles y plazas, entre otras cosas. |
How England saved Europe : the story of the Great War (1793-1815). 4 v. |
Joseph Bonaparte´s flight from the Battle of Vittoria |
Josephs flight |
Jourdan and King Joe or off they go- a peep at the French commanders at the Battle of Vittoria |
King Richard burlesqued of King Joeys flight from the Battle of Vittoria |
Les Châteaux en Espagne |
Mad Nap breaking the armistice from the Original Picture at Dresden |
Map of Spain and Portugal including the places rendered celebrated by battles & sieges |
Memoirs of Buonaparte, his imperial family, great officers of dtate, & great military officers. An improved (being the 20th) edition |
New military map of Spain & Portugal, compiled from the nautical surveys of Don Vicent Tofiño, the new provincial maps of Don Thomas Lopez the large map of the Pyrenees by Roussell, and various original documents |
Plan of operations in the western Pyrenees mountains |
Plano de la capilla bautismal de la parroquia de San Vicente e importe de las obras. |
Pleito de competencias de jurisdicción entre el Concejo de la la villa de Sestao y el Concejo de la villa de Portugalete por el conocimiento de las causas en la aprehensión de dos buques franceses que portaban dinero, en el surgidero de San Nicolás del Desierto. |
Retreat of Napoleon from Leipzig, 1813 |
Se agradece al Arquitecto de la Provincia la elaboración de un plano de la Batalla de Vitoria, y se acuerda publicarlo a cargo de los fondos públicos en cuanto sea posible |
Sketches of military costume in Spain and Portugal : intended as a suplement to the […] sketches of country, costume, and character, in Portugal and Spain |
Spain & Portugal : with the March of the British Columns |
Storming of the town & castle of St. Sebastain in Spain, Sepr. 1813 |
The battle of the Pyrenées, July 28th 1813 |
The battle of Victoria. |
The Battle of Vittoria |
The battle of Vittoria |
The Battle of Vittoria, 1813 |
The History of the present war in Spain and Portugal, from its commencement to the Battle of Vittoria : illustrated with Anecdotes, Civil, Military, and Political, and a geographical View of those Kingdoms : To which will be added, Memoirs of the life of Lord Wellington, and Biographical Sketches of the most eminent Comanders who have distinguished themselves during the War in the Peninsula |
The Spanish bull fight or the corsican matador in danger |
The storming of St. Sebastian, Augt. 31st 1813 |
The storming of St. Sebastian; by the British, Spanish, and Portuguese troops, on the 31st of August 1813 |
Vauxhall fete |
View of Bayonne, taken from the Sand Hill on the left of the Adour, when occupied by the British forces on the 12 of March, 1814 |
Wellington and glory, or the victory of Vittoria-he came, he saw, he conquer´d |
Wellington´s operations in the Peninsula. 2 vols. |